Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I woke up this morning.

So when I woke up this morning, I had this crazy urge for rice crispy treats the chocolate kind. I had a purpose I was determined to go to the chow room that we have. We have these 2 boxes and there cereal in a cup, we had 2 vareity boxes. I said to myself odds are looking good for me to find the kind that I want. But I noticed the cereal had been dugged up, like someone had the some urge I had and just ran through the boxes to get the cereal they wanted. But as I was looking down I did not see the kind that I wanted, well I thought maybe there at the bottom. So I started moving the cereal cups around trying to dig my way to the bottom, I started to get a little nervous, so I went to the other box diged my way to the bottom. Nothing, what the fuck. Well I thought maybe I just missed one ill go through it again, came up empty. My heart was broken, I really wanted the rice crispy treats the chocolate kind. So I decided to dig through the box and find some Apple Jacks, I found one ok, ok. I atleast need to eat 2, there small cups, So I was diggen for another Apple Jacks after 5 minutes I couldnt even find another damn Apple Jacks. So I settled for Frosted Flakes instead. But as I was eating my cereal I remebered, one of my room mates had 4 or 5 cereal bowls of the cereal that I wanted sitting on his shelf. So I ran to the room only to have them all gone.
So theres been a big argument going on around the platoon about 911. Everyone knows were they were when they saw the planes crash in to the World Trade Center. But everyone seems to think a plane crashed in to the Pentagon. But people bring up good arguments, its the Pentagon there so many security cameras around, do you think one of the cameras would have caught the plane crashing in to the Pentagon. Also there was no plane debre from the crash. But someone said "my dad works at the Pentagon and he said a plane did crash in to the building." Yea ok he was looking out the window when it happend, and you work for the government and if they tell you a plane crashed in to the building then a plane crashed in to the building. The government is sneaky and sleezy, its like they control the minds of the American people, what they say the people believe. For me posting this blog I might have the governement after me.They probably think I know to much. Wow I was just typing this
I heard a boom, went to go check it out not in my sector. But im sure ill be out there tomorrow with the "Terp" while he asks his questions around the streets. When something happens and we go out to investagate, everyone just kind turns there heads, I know there scared but damn the quicker we find these mother fuckers the sooner we go home, the quicker we get out of the Iraqi peoples lives. You can feel it in certain parts of the city, expecially on dismount patrols. The mean stares, sometimes I feel like im on stage doing a performance, the Iraqis just stare at me like what the fuck is he doing. Sometimes I just want to be like "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!!" in Arabic of course, but we are trying to win them over we have to be nice, hand out candy, pens, and footballs. I was trained to fight a war not to be a police officer.


Laura said...

Are the rice crispy things like Coco Pops?

Anonymous said...

I hope one day you get to open your own breakfast cereal cupboards and look! there they are! rice crispies with plenty of cold milk and sugar on top :)

Cliff said...

Oestrebunny-They taste the same almost. There Rice Crispy treats but chocolate.

Betty-I woke up at 6 in the morning went to the chow hall and seen a box full of cereal cups that has not been opened yet. I had me 2 bowls this morning. :)

Harley said...

So glad you finally got your cereal after all of that!!!

You so totally deserve it...
