Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Finally I got a shower

Well today was kinda like a day off for me. We have to do a few things around the base to keep it clean. So around noon im playing my psp, somone comes in to the room. Hey we are spinning up a patrol to go take showers (we dont have showers at are base). "Shit Ill go" I said, so I grabed my assault pack, got all my shower stuff ready. Put on all my gear and grabed my peace maker, I ran to the humvee like a kid going to freakin Disney World. So we made it to the other base were the showers are, its been about a week since my last shower. Its not like you feel dirty because your used to it, but you know you are. Man that hot shower felt so good, when I washed my hair and rinsed my hear out, I could see all the sand, and dirt on the shower floor go in to the drain. I washed my body off, then I put my hands against the wall leanded my head down and let the water run down my back. Its the little things in life that I miss. Like taking a shower, cruising around in your car just casue, going out to eat. I miss my family and friends, but I also miss the little things in life that we as people take for granted.
So when I get back from taking a beauitful shower, I decide to go to the gym. My legs are still sore from the other day along with my chest. But im making a comminent to the gym and im sticking to it. Today was a back, abs and biceps day. It was dark when I was working out and freakin freezing. But after the first couple of exerices I had to get in my short sleeve shirt. But tomorrow is Force Pro, so I really wont have anything cool to talk about. But Ill think of something. Maybe write about my Xwife about how much of a hoe she is. But I find myself thinking about what to blog about next, even when im out in sector. So if anyone has anyideas let me know.


Harley said...

Woot! Go you and your shower!!

I think you should write about the X Wife but without the 'what a ho' stuff (even though she was obviously a beeyatch for what she did). Just say it like it is. You must have loved her at one stage right?

Virtual hug from halfway across the world!

Laura said...

I take bad if i go one day without at shower....never mind a whole week!

Lets hear about the X! x

Seej said...

Blog about whatever's on your mind! I'll always read.
