Friday, March 7, 2008


So right now Im at this base called TQ, its a big base with a runway stip. Its a staging area for Marines and Soldiers and from here they push them out to there little bases. But from here we are going to be flying to Kuwait, then from there to either Ireland are Germany, then the mother fucking states. But all this is going to happen in about 2 and1/2 weeks. But when you stay on a big base you have ur pros and cons. The defac is huge but its the devil, ice cream bar OMG, they have a pizza buffet to die for. I so use to one hot meal a day now I can get 4. But the chow hall is a little less then a click away (less then 1000 meters). Also you have to travel in groups no less then 4, some Marine before we got here got in a accident becasue he was drunk, some bullshit like that. At night time we have to wear a reflector belt, yea alot of humvees and big 7 tons rolling by understandble. But they told us when we got hear stay in the right uniform. I would have to say Im one of the most undisplined soldiers in the platoon. Im always out of uniform, I hate shaving, I never have my boots bloosed, so me and big bases do not get along. I could get away with all this stuff on a platoon size base but not anymore.

Now that I have alot of free time on my hands I do PT twice a day. I go for a run at 6 in the morning somewhere between 3-5 miles and later on in the day I go to the gym. The gym is everything I wanted, all the weights all the machines I could ever dream of. Now my goal is not to get big just get cut up and tight, beach time in Georgia and in Florida is right around the corner. Plus I think Im turning in to a workout freak, and now I watch what I eat to. But I have one down side to all this, I smoke cigars like there is not tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Cigar smoking increases your risk of death from many cancers, including:
* lung
* oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, throat)
* esophagus (the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach)
* larynx (voice box)

Studies have shown that male cigar smokers are 4 to 10 times more likely to die from oral and laryngeal cancers than non-smokers. In addition, when saliva containing cigar smoke chemicals is swallowed, the esophagus is exposed to carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). The death rate from esophageal cancer is many times higher in male cigar smokers than in males who have never smoked. For those who inhale, cigar smoking appears to be linked to death from cancer of the pancreas and bladder, too.

Harley said...

Hey Cliff, get them to go through Ireland! And stop off for a few days! Ha it would be awesome...

You sound like a sloppy schoolboy running around with one shoe off and your shirt pulled out!

Glad you're back blogging, if only sporadically.. Missed you!

Uncle Dave said...

Hey numb nuts! Drop the fucking cigars by the time you get home. One of my asshole co-workers has been smoking them for about 6 years. He is going to have his voice box cut out this week and he is only 39 years old. Hmmm...and to think the asshole wrote me up for telling him he smelled bad.