Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Orthopedist/ PT test
We had a Physical test this morning, requires you to do sit ups and push ups for 2minutes straight, then a 2 mile run. So I get down in the push up start position, I here "GO" I just start banging them out, all of a sudden I'm at 67 push ups and I'm only a minute in it. I said "what the hell" but I could have got up because I met the Army standard, but I kept going, my arms hurt so bad I just stopped counting, but there is a judge that counts for you. I get up my chest is all tight, arms all tight.
Then the sit ups, I tell the judge " hey I'm just doing the standard, so let me know when I get there." So I'm doing these sit ups, 20 seconds left I ask "how many do I have left?" his response "15" By this time I'm burnt the hell out I most have knocked out 6 of the 15. But then I was thinking he was messing with me.
The 2 mile run, my weakness. I hate running, my lower back starts hurting, its just boring to me. So I'm cruising passing everyone up, I have a good pace. So I reach a mile and my lower back starts tighten. (I need someone to massage it) I feel myself slowing down, So I put my hands on my hips and arch my back, back. I'm trying to stretch it while I run, looking like an Idiot. I would not like to say my time because its rather sorry.
But I went to the hospital to get my pinkie looked at and they had a company formation. First Sergent, called out 3 names of the 3 highest PT scores. My name being one of them, I was not there. So when I showed up to work, naturally when someone does something good everyone congrads. People start telling me I can go home, I have the day off, I had a high PT score. So I went home and took a nap.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Poor Guy
Sunday, May 18, 2008
My Weekend
But on a side note my wife and I been talking, she wants me back. She talking about me giving up not even trying to make it work. She telling me that she made a mistake that she took me for granted. We talked on the phone, we argued on the phone. So came up with the idea of coming down to Georgia for the weekend at the end of May. Im going to see were things are at, I told her Im not saying yes but im not saying no. I dont know if its a good thing. She could mean everything that she says. But I dont know If I could ever get over what she done to me. But we are going to spend the weekend togther. Prolly get a 2 bed hotel room, maybe she going to try to run some physical game on me but ill shut it down, well atleast try. So ill let you know were we are at after the weekend. But I plan on giving her the best weekend of her life. WHY? To let her know what she will be missing the rest of her life.
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Easy Life
I just picked up another room mate in the trailer. Now the Internet finally works on my laptop which was pissing me off the longest. But my roommate and I decided that we are not going to buy grocers, that we will just eat at the chow hall for free on the base. We take turns driving to work so we save gas which is great. I really feel like punching the guy who is raising the gas prices. But I have been lacking in the gym, I went the other day and ran on the treadmill for 2 miles and I was hurting afterwards, that month of leave doing nothing really but a hurten on my body, im not a beast like I use to be.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Its Been a While
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I been bad!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Last Saturday
But after 3am bars closed and there was is strip club in South Carolina that everyone wanted to hit up, they dont stop serving till 6am. So we go there and its packed and there more females then males there. So I see some people that I know and they come up to me, there all happy to see me and there like come with me we have a VIP Room. So I get me a beer im sitting there bullshitten with everyone. I have this urge to give a stripper a lap dance. So Im walking around looking for the baddest stripper, I see her. So I go up to her and ask "How much is it for me to give you a lap dance?" She started laughing, she is use to giving them not reciving them. So she is like $20 for 2 songs, its just 20 dallors. So we go in to the VIP room. We are talking I asked her to lay down some rules for me, she told me don't whip my thing out, and dont obsessively touch her. So the song starts and I take my shirt off and she is sitting down and I stand over her and take her hands and and put them on my chest and rub them down to my abs. I start making my chest muscles bounce up and down. I put my head in between her legs and roll the top of my head around her area. She is just laughin, she says "I cant believe this is happening." I m sitting there humping her but yet im keeping a good distance making her feel comfortable. While all this is going down everyone is cheering for me. I would have to say that was a first for me. Even though she should have payed me for it. But it was fun.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
My Video
I made this 9 min video of Iraq, Its a little bit of everyting that we did over this 15 month deployment. I made this so when I go home people will stop asking me what is Iraq like? I hate that question along with "Have you killed anyone?" You want to know what Iraq is like grab your balls and raise your right hand. Then when im home on leave people ask me "you kill anyone." I mean honesty what kind of question is that. If I want you to know I will tell you. Then when I was home on leave, people want to give me advice, and these people have no military experience, so if u havent been to Iraq dont give me Iraq advice. People who have been over there want to give me advice on things I already know. You want to know what Iraq is like watch this freakin video, its 9 mins long. Sorry about the music I added my selection is very limited.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Be Safe
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Funny Times
Doing a patrol I'm the truck commander for the lead Humvee. There is these big barriers ahead, my driver is heading right for them. I tell him to "push left," Well he doesn't push left, so the gunner and I start yelling it "PUSH LEFT" BAM!!! Hits the barrier on my side, rippen all the armour off my door and the back door, glass all over me. The drivers excuses, "I did not see it, I was to scared to drive off the road, I thought you meant go left out in to the middle of the desert." Was not funny at the time but now it is. He does not drive anymore.
Doing a raid on a house, My squad leader tells one of my team members to kick open the gate. Well he tried and bounced back almost falling to the ground, I remember . His excuse "I kicked it with the wrong leg." Right.
The Iraqi Police officer had this truck stopped in are way, so I radio back to my squad leader "hey my dismounts are getting out to get this truck out the way." Well the Humvee starts moving, I'm like "what the fuck!!!" I look right nobody is in the drivers seat. I start yelling "hey stop the Humvee!!!" Ahead of us is a dirt mound with C wire running along the top of it, I got scared. The driver tried to run in the Humvee but the door hit the back of the truck closing it. With all my gear on there is no way I'm going to climb out my seat and squeeze in to the drivers seat to step on the break. My gunner gets body armour gets caught so he is stuck. But the driver stopped the Humvee in time. I started to yell "who the hell told you to get out the Humvee." Not funny at the time, but laugh about it now.
So we ride in Bradley's (just Imagine a Tank) in the city and they drop us off so we can do are patrol. Well after 3 hours of walking around they radio us, "Hey we broke track." So we walk over there, all of us are dripping wet because its like 100 plus out and its night time. So we are were trying to put the track back on in the middle of the city. Its freakin hard with 40 pounds of gear on you. So I'm like "fuck this shit" I'm hot, hungry, and thirsty. I take all my gear off, I told my LT I did not care. Well a 3 hour patrol turned in to a damn 7 hour patrol. We ended up breaking track again that night, but this time over a sewage pipe that broke. Not funny at the time, and its still not funny.
So we are doing the big operation that was 3 days long, we were clearing out this whole town, door to door. Its July its 140 plus i been walking all day clearing home, onces again I'm hot, hungry, and thirsty. We start getting shot at, I said "fuck this" and sat down on some steps. Well my squad leader joined me to along with every other American Soldier. We just sent the Iraqi Army to go find that bum. Of course we did not find him, that's why I did not waste my time running down the road looking for him. Its was funny how we all got shot at and just walked to these steps that were in the shade.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Alpha Company
Today they decided to have a 10 man 10 mile relay race, with all the company's in the battalion going against either. Well somehow the company commander picks 6 guys just from are platoon to run in this damn race, and Iam one of them. I did not want to run this full out mile. But I guess im one of the 10 best runners in the company. Yea I been working out but cardio takes time to build up and I just started to run a week and half ago. Last time I ran competitively was highschool track. So I made sure to drink plenty of fluids the night before the race. So all the runner are at there spots and I'm pacen back and fourth, running and jumping around trying to get psyched for the mile. Someone yells there coming. Its just one guy from another company, so im waiting and waiting. "God damn were is everyone else?" there comes my cuz sucking, I yell "hurry ur ass up I have ground to make up." By this time this guy has a 14 second lead on me. I get tagged I start to sprint, its only a mile its all heart. Im running and im already hurting. So im thinking to myself "think of something happy" so im thinking and thinking "what the fuck makes me happy I say to myself in my head." So I think of a certain girl, she reads my blog regulary, I had "Alright alright" I say to myself as I pick up my pace. :Well what do you want to do to this girl?". I imagine myself taking her out on the date, some fancy restaurant and we feed either icecream at the end. We go for a walk on the riverfront board walk I picture in my head, while we hold hands. We end up kissing, I remember saying to myself after I imagined the kiss, "There is alot more were that come from." Gay I know but im trying to keep my mind off the pain in my legs, butt, and lungs. I just imagine myself getting it in with this certain girl. Bam I see the guy that was ahead of me, def gained ground on him he was about 75 meters ahead of me but I closed the gab big time. My mile time is not what It use to be, I ran 5:50 mile, I think that is good for not running the past 8 months. We ended up winning the race by a whole minute. By the way im almost home!!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Where to go??
Im days from home now I can smell the woman and the liquor, I want it all over me. But I elected myself is the DD that night. My reason why is you cant pick up woman if you shitfaced. So Im staying sober, I think its more important to please my sexual appetite then to get drunk. Do you blame me, sexless the past 15 months, I stay sorrounded by guys 24/7. God dammit im ready to get it in.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The board
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Now that I have alot of free time on my hands I do PT twice a day. I go for a run at 6 in the morning somewhere between 3-5 miles and later on in the day I go to the gym. The gym is everything I wanted, all the weights all the machines I could ever dream of. Now my goal is not to get big just get cut up and tight, beach time in Georgia and in Florida is right around the corner. Plus I think Im turning in to a workout freak, and now I watch what I eat to. But I have one down side to all this, I smoke cigars like there is not tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Whats Missing??
When you spend alot of time with someone you can tell if something is wrong with them. Everyone been asking me "Bourne whats wrong?" I tell them nothing is wrong. They think it has to do with my wife. How she is not going to be there when I land, I think this could be it. Im not going to lie, but Im scared like im going to feel like a part of me is missing when I land in the states. But I keep telling myself, that part of you is no more. But im going to have my momma there when I land, and I know she is going to be glad to have her baby home. She wont have to worry no more about her son. I have a damn time limit now on the computer. I hate big bases. But I wish I could write more, but I most go.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Goal Reached!!!
Few people I would like to thank for helping me reach my goal.
SSG Kennedy-My main workout partner, we push either in the gym. Also a time were I was depressed and all I wanted to do was sleep you brought me back.
SGT Duran- My other workout partner, you will get were Kennedy and I are at one day. You helped with my depression and I thank you for that. "IM BACK"
XWIFE-I was down and out from your actions and the choices you made. I would like to thank you for making me stronger emotionally, and physically. You gave me motivation to be a better person/man. You sent me a email saying "I havent heard from you in a while.... everything ok? Everything is fine since you left me, and there is a reason why you havent heard from me in so long.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
I found myself scared
ME-Rage X Ray this is TCP 2
Rage X Ray- TCP 2 this is Rage X Ray go ahead
Me- Roger were takeing Indirect fire time now "break" Motar rounds hitting on the east side of the TCP "break" one motar round hit 50 meters from the wire "break" The other motar rounds are hitting north of the east market, approximately 75 meters off of Michigan " break" Towers and Gboss "the camera" unable to locate point of orgin "break" no caulties to report "over"
Rage X Ray said some other bull, but all that came out fast and quick as everything was happening, I found myself breaking down the information. It it important to report it to higher, communication is key. After it all happend I found my hand shaking. I think no matter how many times I go through it, Im going to find myself nervous, and shaking. I dont think its ever going to come natural to me. I tell you I see some fucked up shit, sometimes when I lay down at night I think about some of the things I see and done. I dont like to talk about it, my brother was in Afganstian, I dont think I will ever share war stories with him. If he feel the need to tell me to get it off his chest, I will listen. But most people when they tell the stories, they make it out to sound like world war 3. They make it out harder then what it really was. I tell you just how it went down. On another note my packet has been handed in to go to the board, I was like at my ERB- Enlisted Record something, it shows your whole military career. yea I have a Arcom bascially doing something outstanding.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Going to the board
Monday, February 4, 2008
Someone there for me?
But in other news we should be leaving the city we are in charge of around the 27 of FEB, which is good I guess. But from there we will move to another base and sit there for around 3 weeks doing nothing. But I would much rather be working, it makes the time go by quicker. Also there is talks about me going to the board to get promoted in the month of March. I was a team leader for most of the deployment, but politics sent down someone higher ranking then me and he replaced me. But Im a much better team leader then he is. But me going to the board if I pass I will be promoted to Sergent. With less then 2 1/2 years in the army, to be promoted that fast is really good. But what can I say im the man, wait im a stud. Not cocky just confident.
So today we had a dismount patrol, the kids asking for football, chocolate, pencil. They just keep asking and asking. The kids that dont ask I usually give them stuff. So im walking down I see this little girl, it breaks my heart the life she goes through, she is standing there and bunch of mother fuckers with guns are walking down her street, not to mention she falls asleeps to gun fire and the sounds of explosions. She will prolly be married at the ago of 15 years old and her life is over. She will be a slave, they have a saying over here for the Iraqi men "woman are for babies, men are for pleasure." I know right. But when I walked by the little girl I gave her my only pen that I had on me. The smile that she had put a smile on my face, as I continued on down the street I turned around and I see her showing the pen to her father. Now she can do her school work. Pens and Pencils are hard to come by over here. This country is a long way off, but it is alot better then what it was when I first got here.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Working Out
Smut Meme
1. Chocolate or whipped cream? Whipped cream less messy.
2. Leather or PVC? Leather? How about nothing.
3.Outdoor sex or indoor sex? How about sex anywhere.
4. In the jacuzzi or in the bed? I done it in a bed to many times, I think its time to try the jacuzzi.
5. Bad sex or no sex? Bad sex, bad sex is better then no sex.
6. Dominate or be dominated? I perfer to dominate, but like to be dominated sometimes
7. Thigh highs or body stockings? I think thigh high stockings would be sexy.
8. Fast or slow? Fast, like a rappit.
9. Rough or gentle? How about both.
10. Bite or suck? Depends what spot of the body im on.
11. Role play or reality? Never really done role play, so Im going to have to try that.
12. Dirty talking: coming or going? I guess a some dirty talking is not bad.
13. Edible panties or no panties at all? No panties at all.
14. Spanking paddle or bare hand? Bare hand like to leave me hand print on that booty.
15. Landing strip or Kojak? Regardless im still going down.
16. Multiple sessions or one good fuck? Multiple sessions of good fucking.
17. Moaning or screaming? Moaning, screaming just seems to fake.
18. Three-way or no way? Id do a three way, its actually one of my goals before I die.
19. Swing or no swing? Let me see, NO SWING.
I Tag systa and revelergirl
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Soon Cliff Soon!
So the battalion commander came by are base today to talk about going home. So the whole platoon was gathered around the fire and he comes rolling up. We all jump to attention, let me tell you one thing about are battalion commander, he does not like are platoon at all. Since the begnning of the deployment he has disliked us. From people not shaving, not being in the right uniform, some other things I dont want to get in to. He came up to me one time because my hair was way to long and went and told my Lt and Platoon Sergent, Bournes hair is way to long. Well he started to talk about dates when we going to be home. Now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I still have a job to do and im going to try to keep that in my head. So the dates he put out he says he is like 90% sure we are going to be leaving around that time. So he was giving his speech and some people said somethings and he looked around at us like we had idiots written across are forehead. But when we land we have to go threw all these stupid tests that should take up to ten days. After them 10 days we get to go home, home. Where my family is, and he said you should be home before the 16th of April. That is my Bday, I dont rember the last birthday I spend home was, but im like 90% sure im going to be home for my birthday. Just typing that puts a smile to my face. I can honestly say this is the happest I been since I been here, I dont know if its becasue the end of this deployment is almost up, are I just dont care about whats going on back home. I feel real good. |
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Snow day #2
So It snowed onces again here, but we had heat this time. So I get off my guard shift, and I go and lay down on my bed and started jammin out to Usher, then about 20 minutes later someone comes in all covered in snow. "What the FUCK" were the first words out my mouth. So I go outside there is about 3 inches of snow all over the ground. "God damn" were the words that I kept repeating to myself, so everyone startes taking pictures again, like its the first freakin time it snowed here. So what happens when there is snow on the ground, freakin snowball fight, So me and my cuz called a truce, it was pretty dark so we ran around the humvee and pegged the first person we saw. Well it was the Platoon Sergent, "oh fuck" but he was like "ill get you back Bourne". So it was game on the snow was coming down hard we turned on the big lights and had the biggest snowball fight. All you saw were the thick snow flakes and snowballs flying in the air. One person in my squad has video footage of some of the snowball fight, ill see about getting it up tomorrow. But it was crazy, a war zone. So naturally there is 2 sides , we throwing snowballs across this open field at either. Well someone decides to run across the middle. I said to myself, "Im going to get him" So I was about 50 meters away, I zoomed him in, winged my snowball, then BAM right in his face. I did not mean to hit him in the face, So I run over and his nose is bleeding pretty bad. LOL, it was pretty funny, we have it on camera. So after about an hour of heavy running, everyone is pretty much worn out. My arm is thrown out, my elbow is throbing like a mother. So the next day snow starts melting mud all over the place just nasty. The gym is pretty much covered in snow, I was looking fowarding to going to. But we have these big tents that we got from another base, So we lay it out, and nobody knows how to put it up, WOW. We all know how to react to contact, we can land nav in the middle of the desert, but we dont know how to put up this tent, I done it onces but man that was a minute ago. But we figured something out, and its over the gym right now, so we can work it when it rains or snows now, that is good. So after we finished than another damn snowball fight, this time it was 2 hours. My elbow was hurting so bad I had to take some meds, I can throw out my arm so easy, my elbow been fucked up since freshman year of highschool. I messed it up playing football. Sometimes it hurts out of the blue, other days its good. So at night time a bunch of us sit around the fire talk about home. So they say "Bourne you find a rebound girl yet?" Now I been thinking about that for a while. I dont want to be a shady guy that uses a girl just for a rebound. I told them "I dont need rebound girl, becasue this kid is not down and out anymore." Im starting to realize that there is so much better out there for me, I blamed myself for the longest. She blamed me for her cheating on me, Some how I believed her. But I dont need a weak woman in my life, and one who brings drama and negativity in to it. When I do start talking to someone, if anything its a step up from what I had before, thats why its not a rebound. I can honestly say I dont love her anymore, im not lying to myself to make myself feel better, thats the mother freaking truth. But I tell you one thing, Ill settle down one day, when I meet that woman who I see for the first time and knocks me head over heals, just by me looking at her. Its happend to me onces a long time ago,and I havent talked to her since highschool. |
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
50/50 Right Now
But on another note the rain is starting to come, its sprinking right now. I feel bad for the gunners right now getting all wet and the cold breeze. When it rains comes the damn mud lol, maybe I should just stay home. But I went to the gym today, I decided I wanted to see were I was in my quest to bench press 300 lbs. Well I throw up 285 lbs, and my partner wanted to go up to 295lbs. So I tried that and got it a quater the way up and just couldnt push any more. So Im saying I stand at 290 lbs, I know I can get that.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
But there is one problem, this birgade is in Baghdad. Why do you think there asking people "who wants to go to 4th birgade." There losing people over there, they need help. I have my pro and cons, right now there about equal. Alot of people are really considering it, the married guys are saying "if I wasnt married I would think about it." I dont have anything holding me back. I dont know, I know my family especially my momma would be crushed. Id lie to her tell her I have orders to go back, tell her "momma they need the best people over there and one is standing right in front of you." She would believe it becasue im a freakin stud. But man im going to miss out on so much again, but id rather be over here while im supposed to be in the army, then supposed to be home while im over here.
Pros and Cons to moving to 4th Birgade
Pay off car (big one)
Extra Money
Not get stopped lossed (big one)
Live on FOB (less force pro)
Still get leave
No field problem
Get my E-5
Might be with people I know
Death (big one)
Miss out on life
Work with Duds
Miss out on ladies (Finish some old business)
Family worried
Unknown lenght of deployment
South Baghdad
Might not be with people I know
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I woke up this morning.
So theres been a big argument going on around the platoon about 911. Everyone knows were they were when they saw the planes crash in to the World Trade Center. But everyone seems to think a plane crashed in to the Pentagon. But people bring up good arguments, its the Pentagon there so many security cameras around, do you think one of the cameras would have caught the plane crashing in to the Pentagon. Also there was no plane debre from the crash. But someone said "my dad works at the Pentagon and he said a plane did crash in to the building." Yea ok he was looking out the window when it happend, and you work for the government and if they tell you a plane crashed in to the building then a plane crashed in to the building. The government is sneaky and sleezy, its like they control the minds of the American people, what they say the people believe. For me posting this blog I might have the governement after me.They probably think I know to much. Wow I was just typing this
I heard a boom, went to go check it out not in my sector. But im sure ill be out there tomorrow with the "Terp" while he asks his questions around the streets. When something happens and we go out to investagate, everyone just kind turns there heads, I know there scared but damn the quicker we find these mother fuckers the sooner we go home, the quicker we get out of the Iraqi peoples lives. You can feel it in certain parts of the city, expecially on dismount patrols. The mean stares, sometimes I feel like im on stage doing a performance, the Iraqis just stare at me like what the fuck is he doing. Sometimes I just want to be like "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!!" in Arabic of course, but we are trying to win them over we have to be nice, hand out candy, pens, and footballs. I was trained to fight a war not to be a police officer.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Notebook

During the movie all we could talk about was falling in love, I swear we sounded like 2 females talking about falling in love. In the movie there in a boat in the swamp, there all these swans around, I turn to my cuz and say "Thats true love." I cant wait to have that feeling, they looked so happy in the movie. At the end of the movie the saddest part happens when they passaway togther in eithers arms, I felt myself getting weak and almost had a tear come down, my cuz says "Thats the way I want to go, with my wife in my arms." I think that would be a good way to go with the woman you spent your life with, the person that means the most to you in the world.
Watching the movie made me realize about todays society and how shady it is and how deceiving people can be, there to much drama, and games people play. True love is really hard to find, Im sure people love one another. But are they "IN LOVE" with one another, unconditional love. Does that even exist outside of family, Ill love my momma no matter what. Could I ever love a woman that just walks in to my life unconditionally?
I was talking to my momma on the phone and she tells me, "I feel sorry for the woman who really loves you." I was thinking about that for a while, Im not going to let anyone change who I am. I was going to go back to the states, have the mind set of getting every woman in site, like "im not going home alone tonight." But that was never me before her, and it will never be. Just tell a woman what she wants to hear so you can get between her legs. I dont want to be one of those people in todays society that makes it shady, and deceiving. I was going to let this woman change me becasue of what she did to me, but watching this movie opened up my eyes. Im determined to not let this change who I really am.
Should I get them?

Monday, January 14, 2008
So nothing really exciting today happend. I had a earlier patrol in the morning. It was cold as hell, we did a dismount patrol with Iraqi police. During patrols we put them up front, slowly but surley they are starting to take over. All we do is just support them when things get out of hands. Then we had another stupid patrol outside of the city. I hate going outside of the city, becasue every vehicle that comes in to the city gets searched by iraqi police. But when you leave the city its open game. Some ass Kong been shooting motars in to the city. So our platoon has the job of finding him. He shoots the motars about 1500-2000 meters from are base. So when he shoots a few off he leaves with the quickness. But im afraid that one night he is going to shoot some off, and leave an IED there for us. But whatever have a job todo. The pats won again, I dislike that team so much. There a bunch of cheaters, I could go all day about how they cheat. Whats worst is before they were good you did not see one pats fan in new england. All of a sudden they win a few super bowls everyone is a pats fan, bunch of bandwagon jumpers. Samething with the redsox, all of a sudden they win a worldseries,everybody has a redsox shirt of some sort. I hope the Pats go to the super bowl and lose to Brett Farve on a last minute game winning drive, that would make me very happy. On another note im doing good, the blog before was just heated moments that I was having. Im starting to realize I dont need a weak woman in my life, someone who folds when life gets tough. Im glad this happend becasue now I really know what I really want in a woman. I decided to this I pod Meme, I got it from KALI. Directions 1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, iPod etc. on shuffle. 2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. 3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW STUPID IT SOUNDS. 1.IF SOMEONE SAYS "IS THIS OKAY" YOU SAY? Aaliyah 4 page letter Whatever the hell that means. 2.HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF? T.I. Lets get away All about the ladies "tell them lets get away" 3. WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? T.I. Act II I guess I want my female partenr to do some role playing for me. 4.HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? Twista Adrenaline rush I was pretty pumped today. I wanted to go out on every patrol. When I was at the gym, when I wasnt doing my exerices I was dancing. 5.WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? T.I. Aint fly as me To be more fly then any other person out there 6.WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? Foxy Brown/Jay Z Aint no nigga The title says it all 7.WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? Krupt/Nate Dogg/Snoop Dogg Aint not fun if the homies cant have none Come out with me ill show u a good time 8.WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Ali/Kyjuan/Murphy Lee/Nelly Air Force Ones Everytime I buy shoes there usually Air force ones 9.WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? 2 Pac All about u Idunno 10.WHAT IS 2 + 2? Janet Jackson All for u Why is Janet Jackson on my Ipod 11.WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR EX? Qtip All in The song should have something like hoe, cheater, slut in the title 12.WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Nappy Roots All my life I guess I been waiten All my life for her 13.WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Obie Trice All of my life Weird that back to back songs titles have All my life as a title 14.WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Jagged Edge All out of love This is false I will never run out of love 15.WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Ace Of Base All that she wants All she wants is CB 16.WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? Tevin Cambell Always in my heart Dont know why this is on my ipod 17.WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? Jay Z American Dreamin My hobby is to live the American Dream, what ever that is 18.WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Jayz American Gangsters This is false considering im a gangster myself 19.WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? Jayz/Pharrell Anything My whole life is a secret 20.WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? One Republic Apologize I dont get this one |
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Year ago today.
They put out some dates today about us going home, sometime in late March but before April. The company is going to be moving half of or platoon to another base across the city, and im part of that half. I think that will have to make time go by a little quicker. Plus I get out of the freakin Ice box room. But yea I type all this shit about how depressed Iam all this other crap, but there is only one thing to do "deal with it" Thats the Army way, I mean thats the only thing I can do. Thats what im going to do. The way I look at it, I get through this, I can get through anything. Life can throw whatever at me, Ill just laugh right at it.
Friday, January 11, 2008
The day after the snow storm
The next patrol was a dismount, we walked out from are base. By this time the sun was out and the snow was melting. The streets were full of mud and puddles, mixed with a bunch of other shit. So I was up front next to the point man, this car decided to get bold and want to test us. So he wouldnt stop but when me and the other point man raised are weapons up, took the safety off from safe to semi. He stoped, if I did shoot I was aiming for the head light, if he kept coming then the wind shield. You have to remeber your Rules of Engangment, you have to be able to tell who is hostile and who is not. When this guy was not stopping I knew he wasnt trying to kill us, he is just a shitty driver. But if he got any closer to us we would have to do are thing. You can show the insurgents how weak you are by letting a car get close to you. The next one could be a car bomb. But I went the whole day with out firing a shot, which is good.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Finally I got a shower
So when I get back from taking a beauitful shower, I decide to go to the gym. My legs are still sore from the other day along with my chest. But im making a comminent to the gym and im sticking to it. Today was a back, abs and biceps day. It was dark when I was working out and freakin freezing. But after the first couple of exerices I had to get in my short sleeve shirt. But tomorrow is Force Pro, so I really wont have anything cool to talk about. But Ill think of something. Maybe write about my Xwife about how much of a hoe she is. But I find myself thinking about what to blog about next, even when im out in sector. So if anyone has anyideas let me know.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Patrol Day/Rough Day In The Dice Game
So you ever watch the rap videos and you see them on the street shooting dice. Well we do that hear, so we decided to shoot before the patrol. Well I been on a freakin losin streak for like 2 weeks now, and I cant get out of it. I think I lost a total of $400 in the last 2 weeks. One day I was up $280 and we shot later on that day and I lost it all. I even listened to 50 Cent WHY YOU LOOKING while we are shooting on my Ipod. The song starts off "I get money". How can you go wrong with that. I just keep getting my head wraped. I think im going to lay low right now not shoot for about a week let me get out of this losing phase.
My New Years Resolutions
1.Not settle down with one woman
2.To see certain people
3.Not to see certain people
4.Travel Florida
5.Go on a Cruise to the bahamas
6.Decide what im going to do when I get out of the Army
7.Twork it out with as many ladies as possible
Monday, January 7, 2008
Force Pro

After the guard shift I went to the gym to workout legs, shoulders, and abs. It was a good day worked up a sweat felt the burn. I been kind of shying away from the gym becasue its been to fucking cold and to windy, and are gym is located outside, with no cover "sweet". Later on after the work out I found out I have to go get weight and tape, make sure im not over weight "are you fucking serious." Im mostly all muscle, but someone is trying to look good for someone else so bunch of us have to go. Well if u care im 174 pounds 67 inches tall "all beast". Well I still have two -two hour shifts to go. Its going to be cold my feet are going to freeze along with my fingers, but I tell you one thing know one is going to breach the wire on my shift.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Let me catch u up.
I would like to thank for the Christmas cards and care packages.