So I went in to the other room to see my cuz, he is really not my cousin, but we are both filipino somehow we just started calling either cousins. But he was watching a movie the "Notebook", I was like "yo thats one of my favorite movies", he said "me to". I told him I cried at the end, he said "ME TO". I was like "we supposed to be some bad mother fuckers we watch these chick flicks and cry." His response was "gangstas need to cry everyonces in a while." So I sat on his bed and we began to watch the Notebook, we had a bag of chips between us with some sprite. I havent watched the movie in years but it still remains one of my favorites. So we sitting there and someone says "you guys watching the fucking Notebook." My cuz says "Yea we watching the fucking Notebook what the fuck are you going to do." Their was no response from the ass kong who said that.
During the movie all we could talk about was falling in love, I swear we sounded like 2 females talking about falling in love. In the movie there in a boat in the swamp, there all these swans around, I turn to my cuz and say "Thats true love." I cant wait to have that feeling, they looked so happy in the movie. At the end of the movie the saddest part happens when they passaway togther in eithers arms, I felt myself getting weak and almost had a tear come down, my cuz says "Thats the way I want to go, with my wife in my arms." I think that would be a good way to go with the woman you spent your life with, the person that means the most to you in the world.
Watching the movie made me realize about todays society and how shady it is and how deceiving people can be, there to much drama, and games people play. True love is really hard to find, Im sure people love one another. But are they "IN LOVE" with one another, unconditional love. Does that even exist outside of family, Ill love my momma no matter what. Could I ever love a woman that just walks in to my life unconditionally?
I was talking to my momma on the phone and she tells me, "I feel sorry for the woman who really loves you." I was thinking about that for a while, Im not going to let anyone change who I am. I was going to go back to the states, have the mind set of getting every woman in site, like "im not going home alone tonight." But that was never me before her, and it will never be. Just tell a woman what she wants to hear so you can get between her legs. I dont want to be one of those people in todays society that makes it shady, and deceiving. I was going to let this woman change me becasue of what she did to me, but watching this movie opened up my eyes. Im determined to not let this change who I really am.
What is this Notebook malarkey? It's been mentioned on just about every blog on my roll.
Am I the only person on the planet not to have seen it?
Nicholas Sparks wrote a book called Notebook. Then they made it in to a movie. Its a really good love story. I would suggest watching it.
Awww you GUYS!!!
So cute. Bad-ass mofos watching the Notebook.... What is the world coming to??
Seriously though - I think that's really good and healthy that you can see that now. Definitely don't let yourself get dragged down by the actions of a woman like that!!
I love that movie! I've got it at home and watch it every couple of months, it makes me cry good tears!
Wouldn't it be nice if we all got a shot at real love like that? (sigh)
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