Anyone that is in the Army or Marines knows what force pro is. I consider myself an All Pro at force pro. Well force pro is a guard day, basically you man the guard towers around the base. Well since I live on a platoon size base I have force pro every 2 days. You spend eight hours out of the day in a guard tower by yourself, the first shift is a four hour shift. In that four lonely hours you think about alot of things, its the only time you ever get to be alone. Of course you spank it up there, if its not to cold, like I said its the only time your alone. This morning I was thinking about Batman and I was wondering if I could handle the training that he put himself through. Also I was watching I AM LEGEND earlier in the week. When Will Smith was in Times Square I saw a Batman-Superman movie poster in the back ground. I was thinking how sweet that movie could be. Last night I was watching The Kingdom with Jamie Fox, I was thinking I could be a FBI agent, the big fire fight at towards the end, I can shoot, move , and communicate. Then I started to think about my X wife(still married but I call her that) and how much of a hoe she is started to working myself up. But I calmed down said to myself "so many ladies out there for me." Force Pro can be easy and can be tough, I fell asleep twice during guard, yea I know wrong place to fall asleep, but its not liked I planned it. It was the days before that wore me out. Since I been pulling force pro I only been shot at onces, but my guard shift was almost up so I diddent even bother to call it up because I want to go to sleep, I just warned the guy who was relieveing me.
After the guard shift I went to the gym to workout legs, shoulders, and abs. It was a good day worked up a sweat felt the burn. I been kind of shying away from the gym becasue its been to fucking cold and to windy, and are gym is located outside, with no cover "sweet". Later on after the work out I found out I have to go get weight and tape, make sure im not over weight "are you fucking serious." Im mostly all muscle, but someone is trying to look good for someone else so bunch of us have to go. Well if u care im 174 pounds 67 inches tall "all beast". Well I still have two -two hour shifts to go. Its going to be cold my feet are going to freeze along with my fingers, but I tell you one thing know one is going to breach the wire on my shift.
After the guard shift I went to the gym to workout legs, shoulders, and abs. It was a good day worked up a sweat felt the burn. I been kind of shying away from the gym becasue its been to fucking cold and to windy, and are gym is located outside, with no cover "sweet". Later on after the work out I found out I have to go get weight and tape, make sure im not over weight "are you fucking serious." Im mostly all muscle, but someone is trying to look good for someone else so bunch of us have to go. Well if u care im 174 pounds 67 inches tall "all beast". Well I still have two -two hour shifts to go. Its going to be cold my feet are going to freeze along with my fingers, but I tell you one thing know one is going to breach the wire on my shift.
Who on earth thought it was a good idea to put a gym outside?
I think the marines that were here before us ran out of wood. Wood is hard to come by here in Iraq. We dont have showers here, we get one hot meal a day. But we do have internet.
That's screwed up - no showers but you do have internet?? Tsk tsk!
Also - you're 23 and married already? You're clearly a crazy little boy...
Make some resolutions, come on! The trick is to make a few so you don't break them ALL... If you only make one and you break it then you feel like a failure but if you make a whole bunch and then manage to keep one or two, that's progress, right?
Good luck on duty! Update soon...
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