Friday, January 11, 2008

The day after the snow storm

So I woke up around 0500 for a patrol. Yes it was still snowing, the humvee that I was in the heater barley worked. That heat wants to blast in the summer when its 140 degrees, and you cant shut it off. But it doesnt want to do that when its in the low 30s, I really dont get it. So we just did a quick patrol around are sector, I was callin it a snowpatrol. It was earlier nobody was out just driving around for a while, and the snow was still falling. Its funny becasue some guys that live in cali, texas, or just from the south that have never seen snow are freakin out. But in the middle of the night the generator went out again, so we had to go to another base to pick up the India mechanics, to fix are genartor. So while we were waiten for them we decided to have a snowball fight amongest the squad. One guy was taken a picture, and I yelled "take a picture of this bitch." I threw a snowball at him hitting the groin area. Then I feel one hit the back of my head, so I just ran to avoid more snowballs. After a 20 minute snowball fight we see someone that we know walking by, so we called a cease fire. So we hid behind the humvees and he was walking by we ran out and unleashed hell on him. He did not bother to run, he knew he was doomed from the minute he heard us screaming. So back at the platoon size base people throwing snowballs left and right, you werent safe trying to go take a piss. But what was cool people wrote in the snow "I LOVE YOU" took a picture with them beside it and sent it home to there wives. I was like man maybe I should send one to. I do miss her alot, more then before I came home. But besides the point I was going to write one "I LOVE YOU MOMMA" But I had another patrol. So I went back to my cold ass room to take a nap.
The next patrol was a dismount, we walked out from are base. By this time the sun was out and the snow was melting. The streets were full of mud and puddles, mixed with a bunch of other shit. So I was up front next to the point man, this car decided to get bold and want to test us. So he wouldnt stop but when me and the other point man raised are weapons up, took the safety off from safe to semi. He stoped, if I did shoot I was aiming for the head light, if he kept coming then the wind shield. You have to remeber your Rules of Engangment, you have to be able to tell who is hostile and who is not. When this guy was not stopping I knew he wasnt trying to kill us, he is just a shitty driver. But if he got any closer to us we would have to do are thing. You can show the insurgents how weak you are by letting a car get close to you. The next one could be a car bomb. But I went the whole day with out firing a shot, which is good.


Laura said...

I love snowball fights :)

Seej said...

We had a snowball fight with some Afghan kids and they have acog scope eyes and precision arms. All there snow seemed to hit me in the face.