So I was at the other base the one that gets motared all the damn time. I get off guard Sergent Duran runs over and says "hey lets go get it in!" Which means we going to the gym. It was a shoulder and leg day. I had my I pod and the speakers blasting my gangsta music all loud and I was feeling good. So I look at Sgt Duran and say "Im going to bench 300 lbs right now." So everyone starts getting curious coming over to watch, I warm up with 225 lbs, then I put on 300 lbs. I looked at it and said "man that bitch look heavy." I started to doubt my ablities, but I look at the crowd of people I wasnt about to make a fool out of myself. My squad leader was there, my Platoon Sergent was there. I said "fuck it lets go." So I get under it lift it up off the rack, as the bar is above me im staring at it saying to myself "Get it" So I bring the bar down as I inhale, I feel the bar touch my chest. Bam!!! I give everthing I have to push it up off my chest, I feel it raising slowly as im letting out the air from my lungs. I look at the bar and I see it going up, I can hear the screams from people "get it, you got it!" When I broke the half way point I realized that I had it. I hear people screaming "whooooooooo there you go!" I got it, I racked the bar, jumped up and started to jump and run around like an idiot, but I did not care. I had a goal and I reached it. We have this wall in our gym and spray painted on it is the 300 club, well my Platoon Sergent is up there, My work out partner is, and the LT. I said to my Platoon Sergent "300 club, Bourne" Out of 37 guys only 4 of us can bench that much weight. Iam the smallest guy with my name up on that wall. I weigh 174, give a few pounds. I dont take steriods, Just a protein shake and alot of tuna, by the way im running low on, not good. 300 CLUB BOURNE
Few people I would like to thank for helping me reach my goal.
SSG Kennedy-My main workout partner, we push either in the gym. Also a time were I was depressed and all I wanted to do was sleep you brought me back.
SGT Duran- My other workout partner, you will get were Kennedy and I are at one day. You helped with my depression and I thank you for that. "IM BACK"
XWIFE-I was down and out from your actions and the choices you made. I would like to thank you for making me stronger emotionally, and physically. You gave me motivation to be a better person/man. You sent me a email saying "I havent heard from you in a while.... everything ok? Everything is fine since you left me, and there is a reason why you havent heard from me in so long.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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Damn straight.
Well done!!! I'm so proud of you!!
*virtual hug*
That is awesome. I'm so glad you reached your goal.
Aw that's ace!!
So whats next?? :D
....300 pounds that's like two of me plus some more.
Well done!!!!
Congrats, Cliff!! Reaching that goal must feel wonderful!
Darlin, is it just me going blind from masturbating or is your font really tiny?
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