Thursday, May 22, 2008

Poor Guy

So in Iraq I decided I was going to play soccer, playing against the Iraqi Army. I never played soccer in my life. I'm a football player I played in high school I played semi pro before I joined the military. Never did I break a bone. So in this soccer game I decided I was going to play goalie. I playing pretty good blocking some shot. Then I dive (we are playing on pavementt to stop a shot. I feel this horrible pain in my left pinkie, it swelled up really quick. This happened in July, there was no point in going to the medics because there is nothing they could have done for me. So I want and got X rays done and the little guy is bent but the lady cant tell if its broken so I'm going to see a Orthopedist. The motion is limited on my pinkie, it hurts to make a fist. Not to mention my hand looks messed up out of place. I'm scared that they might have to re break it to set it straight. I'm going to be so scared, I might just leave it as is. But you will never catch me playing soccer again, I consider soccer the worlds most dangerous sport. I use to make fun of soccer players I guess it caught up to me with my broken pinkie.


Harley said...

Suck it up and go to the doctor Cliff, otherwise it'll only get worse!

You nervous about the wifey thing?

Cliff said...

Very Nervous!!!

Laura said...

Just strap it up to your ring finger, unless your bone's poking through the skin there's not much else the doctor will do.

How did things go with the wife? Hope you're ok!

Anonymous said...

In Aust, we play netball and it's the most popular female sport in the country so most girls grow up playing it....and most of us at one time or another get dislocated fingers. It's funny when you are with a bunch of 30 year olds and they hold up crooked, bent, gnarled up knuckles and we laugh and say 'netball fingers'.
I've got two fingers that bend in slightly, just from years of having dislocated fingers from a ball.

Not saying anything but if a bunch of girls can live with it........


Cliff said...

sparsely kate- I believe woman have a high tolerance for pain, and me I really dont. They most have some tough woman in Austrilla.