Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Orthopedist/ PT test

So I had an appointment to day with the DOC. I'm half asleep in the waiting room, I see people with cast on there arms, and legs. I'm in here for a damn pinkie are you serious. So I'm sitting there talking to the doctor, he is touching my pinkie. He starts comparing the two, he tells me I tore the cartilage that connects the bones, you have 3 bones in your pinkie. I tell him "there isn't shit you can do for it." His response "I'm sorry no". Well I guess I have a off set pinkie for the rest of my life. Its already hard enough to pick up girls, now with this deformed pinkie it makes it that much harder. But he set me up an appointment with a therapist to do some pinkie exericse. Honestly how many ways can you move your pinkie, I think I could look it up on the Internet and figure the exercises myself. Then before I leave, he says he could give me a shot in my pinkie to help with the pain. "HAHAHA thanks but no thanks."

We had a Physical test this morning, requires you to do sit ups and push ups for 2minutes straight, then a 2 mile run. So I get down in the push up start position, I here "GO" I just start banging them out, all of a sudden I'm at 67 push ups and I'm only a minute in it. I said "what the hell" but I could have got up because I met the Army standard, but I kept going, my arms hurt so bad I just stopped counting, but there is a judge that counts for you. I get up my chest is all tight, arms all tight.

Then the sit ups, I tell the judge " hey I'm just doing the standard, so let me know when I get there." So I'm doing these sit ups, 20 seconds left I ask "how many do I have left?" his response "15" By this time I'm burnt the hell out I most have knocked out 6 of the 15. But then I was thinking he was messing with me.

The 2 mile run, my weakness. I hate running, my lower back starts hurting, its just boring to me. So I'm cruising passing everyone up, I have a good pace. So I reach a mile and my lower back starts tighten. (I need someone to massage it) I feel myself slowing down, So I put my hands on my hips and arch my back, back. I'm trying to stretch it while I run, looking like an Idiot. I would not like to say my time because its rather sorry.

But I went to the hospital to get my pinkie looked at and they had a company formation. First Sergent, called out 3 names of the 3 highest PT scores. My name being one of them, I was not there. So when I showed up to work, naturally when someone does something good everyone congrads. People start telling me I can go home, I have the day off, I had a high PT score. So I went home and took a nap.


Laura said...

Naps are one of my most favourite activities.

Ms Smack said...

Ok, i know your pinkie is sore, but this post made me laugh and laugh.

If you think of the word, 'pinkie' with another word starting with 'p', it's just hilarious.

"how can I pick up women with a bent pinkie?"

Talking the doctor and he is 'touching my pinkie'

'how many ways can you exercise your pinkie?"


Get better soon :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha at what Ms Smackie said. Isnt' she cheeky? :)