Friday, May 16, 2008

The Easy Life

So I started work this past Monday after a month of leave, which was great. Now I'm back down here in Georgia, its about low 90s, its beautiful beach weather. I think I might sample the beach this weekend. But work is so boring, granted I only work 5 hours a day sitting around doing nothing. We do PT in the morning ran 4 miles today, legs kinda hurt. Then we get to go home for an hour an half to shower eat come back around 9 then leave at noon to go home. I would have to say the schedule is really easy. All we do is sit around the company talk shit on either are plans for this weekend.
I just picked up another room mate in the trailer. Now the Internet finally works on my laptop which was pissing me off the longest. But my roommate and I decided that we are not going to buy grocers, that we will just eat at the chow hall for free on the base. We take turns driving to work so we save gas which is great. I really feel like punching the guy who is raising the gas prices. But I have been lacking in the gym, I went the other day and ran on the treadmill for 2 miles and I was hurting afterwards, that month of leave doing nothing really but a hurten on my body, im not a beast like I use to be.


Seej said...




Harley said...

Course you are. You'll always be a beast to me! MWUAH!

Laura said...

lol I bet you're still a million times fitter than I am!