Sunday, March 30, 2008


Been busy moving in to my trailer, moving my stuff from storage, going shopping, getting my cell phone, and getting drunk. I do not have internet yet, which sucks becasue I cant blog and read about blogs. But im looking for a provider. It feels semi good to be home, I do miss my wife like crazy.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Funny Times

I think we are pretty good at are job. But we make mistakes sometimes are at times we just don't care. So here the top 5 funniest moments that take place out in sector that stick out in my mind.

Doing a patrol I'm the truck commander for the lead Humvee. There is these big barriers ahead, my driver is heading right for them. I tell him to "push left," Well he doesn't push left, so the gunner and I start yelling it "PUSH LEFT" BAM!!! Hits the barrier on my side, rippen all the armour off my door and the back door, glass all over me. The drivers excuses, "I did not see it, I was to scared to drive off the road, I thought you meant go left out in to the middle of the desert." Was not funny at the time but now it is. He does not drive anymore.

Doing a raid on a house, My squad leader tells one of my team members to kick open the gate. Well he tried and bounced back almost falling to the ground, I remember . His excuse "I kicked it with the wrong leg." Right.

The Iraqi Police officer had this truck stopped in are way, so I radio back to my squad leader "hey my dismounts are getting out to get this truck out the way." Well the Humvee starts moving, I'm like "what the fuck!!!" I look right nobody is in the drivers seat. I start yelling "hey stop the Humvee!!!" Ahead of us is a dirt mound with C wire running along the top of it, I got scared. The driver tried to run in the Humvee but the door hit the back of the truck closing it. With all my gear on there is no way I'm going to climb out my seat and squeeze in to the drivers seat to step on the break. My gunner gets body armour gets caught so he is stuck. But the driver stopped the Humvee in time. I started to yell "who the hell told you to get out the Humvee." Not funny at the time, but laugh about it now.

So we ride in Bradley's (just Imagine a Tank) in the city and they drop us off so we can do are patrol. Well after 3 hours of walking around they radio us, "Hey we broke track." So we walk over there, all of us are dripping wet because its like 100 plus out and its night time. So we are were trying to put the track back on in the middle of the city. Its freakin hard with 40 pounds of gear on you. So I'm like "fuck this shit" I'm hot, hungry, and thirsty. I take all my gear off, I told my LT I did not care. Well a 3 hour patrol turned in to a damn 7 hour patrol. We ended up breaking track again that night, but this time over a sewage pipe that broke. Not funny at the time, and its still not funny.

So we are doing the big operation that was 3 days long, we were clearing out this whole town, door to door. Its July its 140 plus i been walking all day clearing home, onces again I'm hot, hungry, and thirsty. We start getting shot at, I said "fuck this" and sat down on some steps. Well my squad leader joined me to along with every other American Soldier. We just sent the Iraqi Army to go find that bum. Of course we did not find him, that's why I did not waste my time running down the road looking for him. Its was funny how we all got shot at and just walked to these steps that were in the shade.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Alpha Company

So my battalion been having these competitions these past 2 days. Well 2 days ago we played a football game of course me being a shut down corner that I am was playing. We beat the other Infantry Company in are battalion, them boys were mad, all the shit talking of course me I love running my mouth. I have this saying "70 percent of the earth is covered by water, the rest is covered by me." That's just me when I play im cocky, I talk shit. Let that other person know hey im guarding you so don't expect the ball to be thrown much at you today. Yea we won, my company is 2-0 and I did give up a touchdown, but I let him have it we were up by 1 3 with 5 seconds left. So it didn't matter to me. People in the company been callin me shut down corner.

Today they decided to have a 10 man 10 mile relay race, with all the company's in the battalion going against either. Well somehow the company commander picks 6 guys just from are platoon to run in this damn race, and Iam one of them. I did not want to run this full out mile. But I guess im one of the 10 best runners in the company. Yea I been working out but cardio takes time to build up and I just started to run a week and half ago. Last time I ran competitively was highschool track. So I made sure to drink plenty of fluids the night before the race. So all the runner are at there spots and I'm pacen back and fourth, running and jumping around trying to get psyched for the mile. Someone yells there coming. Its just one guy from another company, so im waiting and waiting. "God damn were is everyone else?" there comes my cuz sucking, I yell "hurry ur ass up I have ground to make up." By this time this guy has a 14 second lead on me. I get tagged I start to sprint, its only a mile its all heart. Im running and im already hurting. So im thinking to myself "think of something happy" so im thinking and thinking "what the fuck makes me happy I say to myself in my head." So I think of a certain girl, she reads my blog regulary, I had "Alright alright" I say to myself as I pick up my pace. :Well what do you want to do to this girl?". I imagine myself taking her out on the date, some fancy restaurant and we feed either icecream at the end. We go for a walk on the riverfront board walk I picture in my head, while we hold hands. We end up kissing, I remember saying to myself after I imagined the kiss, "There is alot more were that come from." Gay I know but im trying to keep my mind off the pain in my legs, butt, and lungs. I just imagine myself getting it in with this certain girl. Bam I see the guy that was ahead of me, def gained ground on him he was about 75 meters ahead of me but I closed the gab big time. My mile time is not what It use to be, I ran 5:50 mile, I think that is good for not running the past 8 months. We ended up winning the race by a whole minute. By the way im almost home!!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Where to go??

So I get a little over a month of vacation when I get home. I know its going to be good to be home. But man month of doing nothing I will get bored quick. That's why I'm thinking of taken a vacation somewhere. I Don't know where yet. Someplace I would like to go are the Philippines, and Ireland, but I have no one to go with. My family decides to leave me behind when they go on vacation to those 2 spots. But im thinking of Vegas are Hawaii. I got some peoples out there that I could stay with. I just know if I stay home for a month with out doing something ill prolly rip out my eyes. Iam a on the go guy now. Like it needs to happen now, I like to be on the move all the time. Just staying home man I can see myself getting bored really quick. I would like to travel out of country to those 2 spots, but I do not know anyone who has the money to go with me. I'm sure as hell not going by myself, that's just no fun.

Im days from home now I can smell the woman and the liquor, I want it all over me. But I elected myself is the DD that night. My reason why is you cant pick up woman if you shitfaced. So Im staying sober, I think its more important to please my sexual appetite then to get drunk. Do you blame me, sexless the past 15 months, I stay sorrounded by guys 24/7. God dammit im ready to get it in.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The board

So today was the board, I put on my new uniform, put on my new boots. Did some last minute craming, went over the NCO Creed. I was good had a little butter flys in my stomach. So Sergent Duran was representing me he goes in to the board first and talks a little about me and why I should be a Sergent. Im outside the door nervous as fuck, but im jumping around throwing punches like im going in to a boxing match. But man when I knocked on that damn door 3 times I got nervous as fuck. I stroll in there ready to handle bussiness. Bam snap to postion of attention salute the Sergent Major and say my thing and take a seat. Yes I have a problem speaking in front of people, its always been one of my things . I was nervous sweating a little bit, fucked up on a few questions, I missed a few that I knew the anwser for and I couldnt think of them to after I left. But I passed the board with score of 147 out of 150. So soon to be Sergent Bourne here soon, with less then 24 months in the miltary, man its hard being a stud sometimes. Sergent Duran couldnt believe I missed some questions that I knew the anwser to. But I would like to thank him even though he doesnt read this, he been there for me he has had faith in me, he looks out for me. I love that guy. He could write a book on me and I could write one on him. But now that the board is done with I feel alot more at ease with myself.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I head to the board tomorrow. Yes Im scared, I hate speaking in front of people, I get so nervous. Im going to pry to god tonight and ask him to help me pass this board.

Friday, March 7, 2008


So right now Im at this base called TQ, its a big base with a runway stip. Its a staging area for Marines and Soldiers and from here they push them out to there little bases. But from here we are going to be flying to Kuwait, then from there to either Ireland are Germany, then the mother fucking states. But all this is going to happen in about 2 and1/2 weeks. But when you stay on a big base you have ur pros and cons. The defac is huge but its the devil, ice cream bar OMG, they have a pizza buffet to die for. I so use to one hot meal a day now I can get 4. But the chow hall is a little less then a click away (less then 1000 meters). Also you have to travel in groups no less then 4, some Marine before we got here got in a accident becasue he was drunk, some bullshit like that. At night time we have to wear a reflector belt, yea alot of humvees and big 7 tons rolling by understandble. But they told us when we got hear stay in the right uniform. I would have to say Im one of the most undisplined soldiers in the platoon. Im always out of uniform, I hate shaving, I never have my boots bloosed, so me and big bases do not get along. I could get away with all this stuff on a platoon size base but not anymore.

Now that I have alot of free time on my hands I do PT twice a day. I go for a run at 6 in the morning somewhere between 3-5 miles and later on in the day I go to the gym. The gym is everything I wanted, all the weights all the machines I could ever dream of. Now my goal is not to get big just get cut up and tight, beach time in Georgia and in Florida is right around the corner. Plus I think Im turning in to a workout freak, and now I watch what I eat to. But I have one down side to all this, I smoke cigars like there is not tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Whats Missing??

So I been at another base without phone are internet. But we been replaced by the Marines now, not to impressed. But everyone is in a good mood, I mean why not. Handed over are battle space, no more patorls, ops, force pro. We packed are bags and are gear and moved out of the city to another base. We have less then a month in this cursed land, so why am I not excited about going home? I should be happy but im not. No im not going to miss this place, yes some of the funniest moments of my life were over here, along with the hardest. But WHY am I not excited about going home as everyone else is. I mean man I just spent the last 14 months away from home and im not excited about going home is everyone else.

When you spend alot of time with someone you can tell if something is wrong with them. Everyone been asking me "Bourne whats wrong?" I tell them nothing is wrong. They think it has to do with my wife. How she is not going to be there when I land, I think this could be it. Im not going to lie, but Im scared like im going to feel like a part of me is missing when I land in the states. But I keep telling myself, that part of you is no more. But im going to have my momma there when I land, and I know she is going to be glad to have her baby home. She wont have to worry no more about her son. I have a damn time limit now on the computer. I hate big bases. But I wish I could write more, but I most go.